by Anna
I know, it's been a while since I've posted anything here. We've been SO busy this spring getting all the summer veggies in the ground, starting up the community garden, weeding (of course), helping out some local farmers, and dealing with some wacky weather and abismal drainage in our big fields (swimming, anyone?). And I just had a baby.
All excuses aside, I took a few pictures of my backyard the other day and thought I would share them.
This is some kind of Italian wheat that Gen got me for my birthday last year. Maybe it's farro?
This is one of a handful of peaches on our baby peach tree. Isn't it precious?
We're raising a small flock of akadori chickens. They're a local breed raised for meat that grow really large. They're still chicks and we're struggling to keep them safe-- we lost one to disease, one to the dog, and five to a weasel who, oddly, struck in broad daylight.
The bread oven. We usually make a lot of bread but haven't been for the past few weeks since it needs a bit of repair work done on the inside. We've got to fix it soon-- I want to have a pizza party.
A japanese forest crab. I couldn't believe it when I first saw these little guys crawling around on the forest floor. Japan is full of surprises.